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MAX_COLUMNS : Increase the Maximum Number of Columns for a Table (Wide Tables) in Oracle Database 23c

Oracle 23c introduced the MAX_COLUMNS initialization parameter, which allows us to have up to 4096 columns in a table. This is sometimes described as wide tables.

The Problem

By default the maximum number of columns allowed for a table is 1000. The following code creates a table called T1 with 1000 columns with the name "COLn", where "n" is a number from 1 - 1000.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

  l_col_count number := 1000;
  l_str       clob;
  execute immediate 'drop table if exists t1 purge';
  l_str := 'create table t1 (';
  for i in 1 .. l_col_count loop
    l_str := l_str || 'col' || to_char(i) || ' number, ';
  end loop;
  l_str := substr(l_str, 1, length(l_str)-2);
  l_str := l_str || ')';
  execute immediate l_str;

desc t1

SQL> desc t1
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                               NUMBER
 COL2                                               NUMBER
 COL3                                               NUMBER
... edited for brevity ...
 COL998                                             NUMBER
 COL999                                             NUMBER
 COL1000                                            NUMBER


This time we will try 1001 columns.

  l_col_count number := 1001;
  l_str       clob;
  execute immediate 'drop table if exists t1 purge';
  l_str := 'create table t1 (';
  for i in 1 .. l_col_count loop
    l_str := l_str || 'col' || to_char(i) || ' number, ';
  end loop;
  l_str := substr(l_str, 1, length(l_str)-2);
  l_str := l_str || ')';
  execute immediate l_str;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01792: maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000
ORA-06512: at line 14


The Solution : MAX_COLUMNS

The maximum number of columns is controlled by the MAX_COLUMNS initialization parameter, which has a default value of "STANDARD".

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

show parameters max_columns

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
max_columns                          string      STANDARD

We set the MAX_COLUMNS value to "EXTENDED" in the PDB and restart the PDB.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

alter system set max_columns=EXTENDED scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;

We can now create a table with up to 4096 columns.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

  l_col_count number := 4096;
  l_str       clob;
  execute immediate 'drop table if exists t1 purge';
  l_str := 'create table t1 (';
  for i in 1 .. l_col_count loop
    l_str := l_str || 'col' || to_char(i) || ' number, ';
  end loop;
  l_str := substr(l_str, 1, length(l_str)-2);
  l_str := l_str || ')';
  execute immediate l_str;

SQL> desc t1
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                               NUMBER
 COL2                                               NUMBER
 COL3                                               NUMBER
... edited for brevity ...
 COL4094                                            NUMBER
 COL4095                                            NUMBER
 COL4096                                            NUMBER


We can't revert the setting of MAX_COLUMNS while we have one or more tables with more than 1000 columns.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

alter system set max_columns=STANDARD scope=spfile;

alter system set max_columns=STANDARD scope=spfile
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE
ORA-60471: max_columns can not be set to STANDARD as there are one or more objects with more than
1000 columns


If we drop the table, we can reset the value.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

drop table if exists testuser1.t1 purge;

alter system set max_columns=STANDARD scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;


Some things to consider about this functionality.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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