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Oracle9iAS dcmctl Utility

The dcmctl utility ($ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl) allows you to perform most of the common application server administration tasks without having to use Enterprise Manager. This can be particularly useful when you are trying to automate specific tasks such as startups, shutdowns and regular deployments. In this article I'll present the most commonly used commands:

Related articles.

Process Management Commands

These commands are self explanatory. With the exception of shutdown they can all apply to a cluster, instance or component.

dcmctl start
dcmctl start -i 903dev.server01.tshcomputing.com
dcmctl start -co OC4J_Demos

dcmctl stop
dcmctl stop -i 903dev.server01.tshcomputing.com
dcmctl stop -co OC4J_Demos

dcmctl restart
dcmctl restart -i 903dev.server01.tshcomputing.com
dcmctl restart -co OC4J_Demos

dcmctl shutdown

Component Commands

These commands allow you to create and remove components. A component must be created before an application can be deployed.

dcmctl createComponent -co OracleBaseCom -componentType oc4j
dcmctl removeComponent -co OracleBaseCom

Application Commands

These commands allow you to manipulate the applications deployed within a specific component.

dcmctl deployApplication -f /u01/app/oracle/dba/OBForum.ear -a ForumApp -co OracleBaseCom
dcmctl redeployApplication -f /u01/app/oracle/dba/OBForum.ear -a ForumApp -co OracleBaseCom
dcmctl undeployApplication -a ForumApp -co OracleBaseCom

Configuration Management Commands

The "updateConfig" option is used to update the DCM repository when manual changes have been made.

dcmctl updateConfig

Information Retrieval Commands

The "getstate -v" option can be used to get the current status of the application server.

dcmctl getstate -v

Current State for Instance:903dev.server01.tshcomputing.com

    Component               Type          Up Status     In Sync Status
1   HTTP Server             ohs           Up            True
2   OC4J_Demos              oc4j          Up            True
3   home                    oc4j          Up            True

The "listComponents" option lists all the components displayed by the "getstate -v" option but without the status information.

dcmctl listComponents

HTTP Server

The "listApplications" option lists the applications associated with a specific component.

dcmctl listApplications -co OC4J_Demos


The "getError" option returns a description of the last error encountered.

dcmctl getError


Scripts containing dcmctl commands can be run using the "shell" option.

dcmctl shell -f redeployApp

Where the "redeployApp" script may look like this.

echo "redeploy OracleBaseCom"
dcmctl redeployApplication -f /u01/app/oracle/dba/OBForum.ear -a ForumApp -co OracleBaseCom
echo "restart OracleBaseCom"
restart -co OracleBaseCom
echo "display server status"
getstate -v


If you run the dcmctl utility with no parameters it lists the command usages.


DCMCTL Command Help

  Examples of dcmctl commands are listed below. Commands are case insensitive.

  Syntax:  dcmctl command option1 option2...

  Example: dcmctl createComponent -ct oc4j -co myComponent


  The following options can be used with any command:

  -v  Print long version of state and error messages.
  -d  Print stack traces for exceptions.
  -t  Maximum time to wait for a command to complete (default 45 sec).
  -l  Directory path for log.xml file (default current directory).
  -o  The Oracle home path.

  The other options (-cl =cluster name, -i =instance name, and so on)
  are incorporated into the examples below with relevant commands.

Process Management Commands

  start [[-cl myCluster] | [-i myInstance] | [-co myComponent] | [-ct componentType]]  | [-admin]
  stop  [[-cl myCluster]  | [-i myInstance] | [-co myComponent] | [-ct componentType]] | [-admin]
  restart [[-cl myCluster] | [-i myInstance] | [-co myComponent] | [-ct componentType]] | [-admin]
  shutdown (stops all processes in the local instance)

Cluster Commands

  createCluster -cl myCluster
  removeCluster -cl myCluster
  joinCluster -cl myCluster [-i myInstance]
  leaveCluster [-i myInstance]

Instance Commands

  resyncInstance [-force]|[-i myInstance]
  destroyInstance -i myInstance
  saveInstance -dir directoryName
  restoreInstance <-dir directoryName>

Application Commands

  deployApplication -f myFile -a myApplication [-co myComponent] [-rc rootcontext (required for war deployment)]
  redeployApplication -f myFile -a myApplication [-co myComponent][-rc rootcontext (required for war deployment)]
  undeployApplication -a myApplication [-co myComponent]

Component Commands

  createComponent -ct oc4j -co myComponent
  removeComponent -co myComponent

Configuration Management Commands

 updateConfig [-ct ohs[,oc4j][,opmn]]

Information Retrieval Commands

  listInstances [-cl myCluster]
  listComponents [-i myInstance] [-cl myCluster]
  listApplications [-cl [myCluster] | [-i myInstance] [-co myComponent]]
  getComponentType [-i myInstance] -co myComponent
  getState [-i myInstance] [-cl myCluster] [-co myComponent]
  getError adminErrorNumber (if no number is given, last exception is returned)
  isClusterable [-i myInstance]
  isCompatible -cl myCluster [-i myInstance]
  whichCluster [-i myInstance]
  addOPMNLink host1:7777[, host2:7778...]
  removeOPMNLink host1:7777[, host2:7778...]
  validateEarFile -f myFile

Shell Commands

  shell [-f myDCMCommandFile (Starts a command line shell with a file of commands)]
  echo                      Echoes input. Enclose input with white space in " ".
  exit                      Exits the command line shell.
  quit                      Exits the command line shell.
  !!                        Repeats the previous command.

  @                         Executes the string in the context of a different
                            process and waits for the process to exit (valid
                            only in shell mode).

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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