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Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : Database API - Data Pump

The Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) database API allows us to create Data Pump export and import jobs via REST web service calls.

Related articles.


This article assumes the following.

We will use the following endpoint to perform the operations.


# Example

If you are using a root container installation, you will have to adjust the URL to include the database service. In this example the PDB1 pluggable database service.


# Example

There are also separate RPC-style export and import endpoints. I'm going to avoid them as they are not "REST", having their action determined by the URL, and all they do is allow us to omit the "operation" item from the payload.




We create a new database user for our testing.

conn / as sysdba
alter session set container=pdb1;

--drop user testuser1 cascade;
create user testuser1 identified by testuser1
  default tablespace users quota unlimited on users;
grant create session, create table, create type to testuser1;

We create and populate a copy of the EMP table in the test user.

conn testuser1/testuser1@pdb1

create table emp (
  empno number(4,0), 
  ename varchar2(10 byte), 
  job varchar2(9 byte), 
  mgr number(4,0), 
  hiredate date, 
  sal number(7,2), 
  comm number(7,2), 
  deptno number(2,0), 
  constraint pk_emp primary key (empno)
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,to_date('17-DEC-80','DD-MON-RR'),800,null,20);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('20-FEB-81','DD-MON-RR'),1600,300,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('22-FEB-81','DD-MON-RR'),1250,500,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,to_date('02-APR-81','DD-MON-RR'),2975,null,20);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7654,'MARTIN','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('28-SEP-81','DD-MON-RR'),1250,1400,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7698,'BLAKE','MANAGER',7839,to_date('01-MAY-81','DD-MON-RR'),2850,null,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7782,'CLARK','MANAGER',7839,to_date('09-JUN-81','DD-MON-RR'),2450,null,10);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,to_date('19-APR-87','DD-MON-RR'),3000,null,20);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',null,to_date('17-NOV-81','DD-MON-RR'),5000,null,10);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7844,'TURNER','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('08-SEP-81','DD-MON-RR'),1500,0,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7876,'ADAMS','CLERK',7788,to_date('23-MAY-87','DD-MON-RR'),1100,null,20);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7900,'JAMES','CLERK',7698,to_date('03-DEC-81','DD-MON-RR'),950,null,30);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7902,'FORD','ANALYST',7566,to_date('03-DEC-81','DD-MON-RR'),3000,null,20);
insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) values (7934,'MILLER','CLERK',7782,to_date('23-JAN-82','DD-MON-RR'),1300,null,10);

We create a physical directory on the database server to use with the export/import operations.

mkdir -p /tmp/dp

We create a Oracle directory object pointing to the physical location.

conn / as sysdba
alter session set container=pdb1;

create or replace directory test_dir AS '/tmp/dp';
grant read, write on directory test_dir to testuser1;

Once a job is running, the status of the job is visible in the DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS view and using the GET service shown below.

column owner_name format a20
column job_name format a30
column operation format a10
column job_mode format a10
column state format a12

select owner_name,
       trim(operation) as operation,
       trim(job_mode) as job_mode,
from   dba_datapump_jobs
order by 1, 2;

You can see an example of this in the datapump_jobs.sql script.

Get Data Pump Jobs

Making a HTTP GET method call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint returns a list of Data Pump jobs, or a count of zero if no jobs are present.

curl -ks -X GET \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "items": [
            "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
            "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524",
            "operation": "EXPORT                        ",
            "job_mode": "SCHEMA                        ",
            "state": "NOT RUNNING",
            "degree": 0,
            "attached_sessions": 0,
            "datapump_sessions": 0,
            "links": [
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524/"
    "hasMore": false,
    "limit": 25,
    "offset": 0,
    "count": 1,
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "edit",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "first",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"

For each job in the "items" array there is a "self" link, allowing us to drill down and get more information about the job. In the following example we make a GET call to one of these links.

curl -ks -X GET \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "EXPORT",
    "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
    "state": "NOT RUNNING",
    "degree": 0,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 0,
    "job_state": "COMPLETED",
    "job_comment": "Job \"DBAPI_USER\".\"DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524\" successfully completed at Thu Oct 1 11:56:07 2020 elapsed 0 00:00:41",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "enclosure",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524/EXPDAT01-20201001_11_55_26.DMP"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-11_55_24.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001115524/"

The "links" array includes an "enclosure" link to return the resulting dump file, and a "related" link to return the log file.

Table Export

The following example shows how to perform a table export of the EMP table in the TESTUSER1 schema.

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the export job.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "TABLE",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "name_expressions": [
    {"expression": "='EMP'"},
    {"expression": "!='DEPT'"}
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}

Notice we don't get to control the name of the dump file or the log file. We have to use the output links to identify them. We can use the "name_expressions", "schema_expressions" and "tablespace_expressions" options to define multiple expressions (IN, NOT IN, =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE etc.) if required. In the example above the "name_expressions" option includes the EMP table and excludes the DEPT table.

We could replace the "name_expressions" option with a comma-separated list of the tables to include using the "filer" option, which would give us the same result.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "TABLE",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "filter": "EMP",
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001122631",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "EXPORT",
    "job_mode": "TABLE",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001122631/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-12_26_31.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001122631/"

The "links" array includes a "related" link to the log file, and a "self" link to the job itself, where we can get the URL for the dump file, similar to what we saw in the GET operation above.

Table Import

The following example shows how to perform a table import. We import the dump file produced by the export of the EMP table. Before doing this we need to drop the existing EMP table.

drop table testuser1.emp purge;

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the import job.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "IMPORT",
  "job_mode": "TABLE",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "file_name": "EXPDAT01-20201001_11_55_26.DMP",
  "name_expressions": [
    {"expression": "='EMP'"}
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}

We could replace the "name_expressions" option with a comma-separated list of the tables to include using the "filer" option, which would give us the same result.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "IMPORT",
  "job_mode": "TABLE",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "file_name": "EXPDAT01-20201001_11_55_26.DMP",
  "filter": "EMP",
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001141930",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "IMPORT",
    "job_mode": "TABLE",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001141930/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-11_55_24.LOG"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001141930/IMPDAT-2020-10-01-14_19_30.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001141930/"

Schema Export

The following example shows how to perform a schema export of the TESTUSER1 schema.

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the export job.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}

If we didn't need a complex expression to identify the schemas to export, we could replace the "schema_expressions" option with a comma-separated list of the schemas to include using the "filer" option, which would give us the same result.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "filter": "TESTUSER1"

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001142402",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "EXPORT",
    "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001142402/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-14_24_02.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001142402/"

Schema Import

The following example shows how to perform a schema import. We import the dump file produced by the export of the TESTUSER1 schema, but remap it to TESTUSER2.

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the import job.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "IMPORT",
  "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "file_name": "EXPDAT01-20201001_14_24_04.DMP",
  "schema_expressions": [
    {"expression": "= 'TESTUSER1'"}
  "remap_schemas": [
      "source": "TESTUSER1",
      "target": "TESTUSER2"

Alternatively we could use the "filter" option to identify the schemas to import.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "IMPORT",
  "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "file_name": "EXPDAT01-20201001_14_24_04.DMP",
  "filter": "TESTUSER1",
  "remap_schemas": [
      "source": "TESTUSER1",
      "target": "TESTUSER2"

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001143655",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "IMPORT",
    "job_mode": "SCHEMA",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001143655/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-14_24_02.LOG"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001143655/IMPDAT-2020-10-01-14_36_55.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001143655/"

Database Export

The following example shows how to perform a full export of the PDB1 database.

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the export job.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "FULL",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR"

The full export will run in parallel by default. We can limit the parallelism using the "threads" option.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "EXPORT",
  "job_mode": "FULL",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "threads": 1

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001145804",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "EXPORT",
    "job_mode": "FULL",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001145804/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-14_58_04.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_EXPORT_20201001145804/"

Database Import

The following example shows how to perform a full import. We import the dump file produced by the export of the PDB1 database.

We create a payload file containing the parameters for the import job. The database export produced multiple dump files, so we include the "%U" wildcard in the "file_name" option pattern. We also remap one of the schemas.

cat > /tmp/payload.json <<EOF
  "operation": "IMPORT",
  "job_mode": "FULL",
  "datapump_dir": "TEST_DIR",
  "file_name": "EXPDAT%U-20201001_14_58_04.DMP",
  "remap_schemas": [
      "source": "TESTUSER1",
      "target": "TESTUSER3"

We make a POST call to the "/database/datapump/jobs/" endpoint, passing the raw payload and setting the "Content-Type" header to "application/json".

curl -ks -X POST \
     --user dbapi_user:DbApiUserPassword1 \
     --data-binary @/tmp/payload.json \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/ | python3 -mjson.tool
    "job_name": "DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001152105",
    "owner_name": "DBAPI_USER",
    "operation": "IMPORT",
    "job_mode": "FULL",
    "state": "EXECUTING",
    "degree": 1,
    "attached_sessions": 0,
    "datapump_sessions": 2,
    "job_state": "EXECUTING",
    "links": [
            "rel": "collection",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/"
            "rel": "describedby",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/metadata-catalog/"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001152105/EXPDAT-2020-10-01-14_58_04.LOG"
            "rel": "related",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001152105/IMPDAT-2020-10-01-15_21_05.LOG"
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8443/ords/dbapi_user/_/db-api/stable/database/datapump/jobs/DBAPI_USER,DATAPUMP_REST_IMPORT_20201001152105/"


Here are some thoughts on the database APIs for Data Pump.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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