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SQL Developer 3.1 Data Pump Wizards (expdp, impdp)

SQL Developer 3.1 includes a neat GUI interface for Data Pump, allowing you to do on-the-fly exports and imports without having to remember the expdp/impdp command line syntax. This article gives an overview of these wizards.

Related articles.

General Points

The data pump wizards are accessible from the DBA browser (View > DBA).

Menu DBA

If no connections are available, click the "+" icon and select the appropriate connection from the drop-down list and click the "OK" button. In this case I will be using the "system" connection.

DBA Connections

Expanding the connection node in the tree lists a number of functions, including "Data Pump". Expanding the "Data Pump" node displays "Export Jobs" and "Import Jobs" nodes, which can be used to monitor running data pump jobs.

DBA Data Pump

This tree will be the starting point for the operations listed in the following sections.

Exports (expdp)

Right-click on either the "Data Pump" or "Export Jobs" tree node and select the "Data Pump Export Wizard..." menu option.

Export Menu

Check the connection details are correct and select the type of export you want to perform, then click the "Next" button. In this case I will do a simple schema export.

Export Source

The screens that follow will vary depending on the type of export you perform. For the schema export, we must select the schema to be exported. To do this, highlight the schema of interest in the left-hand "Available" pane, then click the ">" button to move it to the right-hand "Selected" pane. When you are happy with your selection, click the "Next" button.

Export Schema

If you have any specific include/exclude filters, add them and click the "Next" button.

Export Filter

If you want to apply a WHERE clause to any or all of the tables, enter the details in the "Table Data" screen, then click the "Next" button.

Export Table Data

The "Options" screen allows you to increase the parallelism of the export, name the logfile and control the read-consistent point in time if necessary. When you have selected your specific options, click the "Next" button.

Export Options

Enter a suitable dump file name by double-clicking on the default name and choose the appropriate action should the file already exist, then click the "Next" button.

Export Output Files

If you want to schedule the export to run at a later time, or on regular intervals, enter the details here. The default is to run the job immediately. Click the "Next" button.

Export Job Schedule

Check the summary information is correct. If you need to keep a copy of the job you have just defined, click on the "PL/SQL" tab to see the code. When you are ready, click the "Finish" button.

Export Summary

Once the job is initiated, it can be seen under the "Export Jobs" node of the tree, where it can be monitored.

Export Jobs

As normal, the dump file and log file are located in the specified directory on the database server.

Imports (impdp)

In this section we will import the SCOTT schema, exported in the previous section, into a new user. The new user was created as follows.

CREATE USER scott_copy IDENTIFIED BY scott_copy


Right-click on either the "Data Pump" or "Import Jobs" tree node and select the "Data Pump Import Wizard..." menu option.

Import Menu

Enter the type of import you want to do and the name of the dump file that is the source of the data, then click the "Next" button.

Import Type

The screens that follow will vary depending on the type of import you perform. Wait for the utility to interrogate the file, then select the schema of choice. If you need any specific include/exclude filters, they can be added in the "Include Exclude Filter" tab. Click the "Next" button.

Import Filter

To load the data into a new schema, we need to add a REMAP_SCHEMA entry. Once this is done, click the "Next" button.

Import Remapping

The "Options" screen allows you to increase the parallelism of the import, name the logfile and control the action if tables or unusable indexes exist. When you have selected your specific options, click the "Next" button.

Import Options

If you want to schedule the import to run at a later time, or on regular intervals, enter the details here. The default is to run the job immediately. Click the "Next" button.

Import Job Schedule

Check the summary information is correct. If you need to keep a copy of the job you have just defined, click on the "PL/SQL" tab to see the code. When you are ready, click the "Finish" button.

Import Summary

Once the job is initiated, it can be seen under the "Import Jobs" node of the tree, where it can be monitored.

Import Jobs

As normal, the log file is located in the specified directory on the database server.

Once the import is complete, we can see the tables have been imported into the new schema.
SQL> SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables WHERE owner ='SCOTT_COPY';


4 rows selected.


For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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