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Azure : SQL Server Databases on Azure

Microsoft Azure allows you to create SQL Server databases using a Database as a Service (DBaaS) model, so you don't have to worry about managing virtual machines or patching operating systems. This article gives an overview of how to create and connect to SQL Server databases on Azure.

Related articles.

Create a New SQL Server Database

Log on to the Azure portal and click the "SQL databases" link on the left toolbar. Click the "+ Add" button.

SQL databases

Enter the database name and click the "Server" link.

Specify Database Name

Click the "Create a new server" link.

Create a new Server

Enter the server name, credentials and the data center location, then click the "OK" button.

Server Configuration

Select the pricing tier that offers the correct combination of size, performance and price for you, then click the "Select" button.

Pricing Tier

If you are happy with the setup information, click the "Create" button.


Wait while the creation takes place.


Once the creation is complete, click on the server name on the resulting screen.

SQL database

Click the "Firewall" in the right-hand settings pane.

Server Settings

Add any required firewall rules. I clicked the "Add client IP" button, to allow my client PC to access the database, then clicked the "Save" button.

Firewall Settings

Connect From Management Studio

Open the SQL Server Management Studio on your desktop and open a new connection. Use the fully qualified server name and the credentials you specified during the database creation. Click the "Connect" button.

Management Studio Connection

The database will appear in the SQL Server Management Studio tree.

Management Studio

If you create a new database (right-click on "Databases" and select "New Database"), it is created on Azure and visible in the Management Studio once the creation is complete.

New Database

Looking back at the "SQL databases" section of Azure shows the new database has been created.

SQL databases

Notice the pricing tier has been set to "Standard: S0". It makes sense to create new databases through Azure, on an existing server or new server, so you don't use an incorrect pricing tier by accident.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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