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WebLogic Server 11g and 12c : Changing Heap Size and other Managed Server Start Arguments

Managed Server Start Arguments

The heap size and other server start arguments for a managed server must be changed in two locations.

If you ever restart the managed server from the admin console, the values used during server start come from the domains "config.xml" file. This can be edited manually, but typically you would amend these settings using the admin console. The arguments are entered in the following location.

"Servers > Managed Server Name (link) > Server Start (tab) > Arguments: (box)"

For example, if we wanted to increase the heap size from the default of 512M to 2G, we would use the following settings. Notice both the start size (-Xms) and the maximum size (-Xmx) are set to the same value.

-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M

For consistency, the same settings must be put in the domains "startManagedWebLogic.sh" script, somewhere before the final "if" statement that calls the "startWebLogic.sh" script.

USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M"

With this in both locations, the managed servers can be restarted from either the console or the stop/start scripts and have the same server start values.

Managed Server Auto-Restart

Managed servers can be configured to allow the node manager to restart them automatically if they fail, or if they are in a bad health state.

The "Auto Kill If Failed" and "Auto Restart" checkboxes are found on the following console screen.

Servers > Managed Server Name (link) > Health Monitoring (tab)

These setting are written directly to the "$DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml" file, but node manager reads them from the "$DOMAIN_HOME/servers/managedServerName/data/nodemanager/startup.properties" file, which is only amended the next time the managed server is restarted in the admin console. You can either perform the managed server restart from the console, or edit the "startup.properties" file directly, setting the following values.


Once the two config files have the same settings, you will need to restart the node manager for it to reload the config changes. As a result, the overall process should look like this.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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