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Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR1 (12.1.1) Installation on Oracle Linux 5 and 6

This article presents a brief overview of installing Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR1 (12.1.1) on Oracle Linux 5 and 6.

Related articles.


This article assumes you have an existing server (real or virtual) with either Oracle Linux 5.x or 6.x installed on it. For instruction on how to do this check out the following articles.

Everything in the installation will be 64-bit.


Download the Weblogic Server 12c software from Oracle Technology Network.


The following actions should be performed by the "root" user.

Make sure the "/etc/hosts" file contains correct entries for both the "localhost" and real host names.      localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  ol6-wls12.localdomain ol6-wls12

Install the JDK.

# rpm -Uvh jdk-7u2-linux-x64.rpm

Create a new group and user.

groupadd -g 1000 oinstall
useradd -u 1100 -g oinstall oracle
passwd oracle

Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/middleware
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
chmod -R 775 /u01/

Append the following entries into the "/home/oracle/.bash_profile" file.

MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware; export MW_HOME
WLS_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver_12.1; export WLS_HOME
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02; export JAVA_HOME
# JDK 7 Requirement
USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=350m"

As specified in MOS Note [ID 1487773.1], amend the "/etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf" file, making the following change.

# From
*          soft    nproc     1024

* - nproc 16384


Run the installer as the "oracle" user.

$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx1024m -jar wls1211_generic.jar

Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen.


Enter the middleware home ("/u01/app/oracle/middleware") and click the "Next" button.

Choose Middleware Home Directory

Either enter your support details, or attempt to uncheck the security updates checkbox. The box doesn't actually uncheck, but presents you with a warning dialog. If you click the "Yes" button, indicating you don't want updates, you are returned to the same screen with the box still checked. Click the "Next" button anyway.

Register For Security Updates

Assuming you don't want security updates, click "Yes" and "Yes" on the subsequent warning dialogs and you are presented with the "Connection Failed" screen. Check the "I wish to remain uninformed..." checkbox and click the "Continue" button. This whole process is very confusing at first. Obviously the developers responsible didn't really expect people to say no to security updates!

Connection Failed

Accept the typical setup by clicking the "Next" button.

Choose Install Type

Accept the default JDK selection by clicking the "Next" button.

JDK Selection

Accept the default product installation directories by clicking the "Next" button.

Choose Product Installation Directories

If you are happy with the summary information, click the "Next" button and wait for the installation to take place.

Installation Summary

On the installation complete screen, click the "Done" button to run Quickstart.

Installation Complete

Create Domain

If you have not chosen to start Quickstart as part of the installation, you can do it manually.

$ $MW_HOME/utils/quickstart/quickstart.sh

On the Quickstart screen, click the "Getting Started with WebLogic Server 12.1.1" link.


On the welcome screen, accept the "Create a new WebLogic domain" option by clicking the "Next" button.


Select the type of domain and click the "Next" button.


Enter the desired domain name and location, then click the "Next" button.

Specify Domain Name And Location

Enter the administrator username and password, then click the "Next" button.

Configure Administrator User Name And Password

Select the startup mode and JDK, then click the "Next" button.

Configure Server Start Mode And JDK

Select any required optional configuration, then click the "Next" button.

Select Optional Configuration

If you are happy with the information on the summary screen, click the "Create" button.

Configuration Summary

Once the domain is created, click the "Done" button.

Creating Domain

Close the Quickstart screen, unless you have any other operations to do.

Once complete, we need to copy the following files as the "root" user. This is a requirement because we are using version 7 of the JDK.

# mkdir -p $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed
# export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
# cp $MW_HOME/modules/javax.annotation*.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed
# cp $MW_HOME/modules/javax.xml.bind*.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed
# cp $MW_HOME/modules/javax.xml.ws*.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed

The "$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain" directory now contains a script that can be used to start the server. Remember to use the "&" if you want access to the commandline to be returned.

$ cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain
$ ./startWebLogic.sh &


Once the server is started you can access the administrator console using the "http://hostname:7001/console" URL. Log in using the username and password provided in the previous step.

Administration Console

The following scripts are useful.

$ # Start NodeManager
$ nohup $WLS_HOME/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Start WebLogic
$ nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/startWebLogic.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$ # or
$ nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/bin/startWebLogic.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop WebLogic
$ $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/bin/stopWebLogic.sh

$ # Start Managed Server
$ nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh AdminServer > /dev/null 2>&1 &

$ # Stop Managed Server
$ $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh AdminServer

$ # Start the configuration wizard
$ $WLS_HOME/common/bin/config.sh

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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