University of Birmingham CS Alumni Dinner (update)…


A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my invite to the University of Birmingham CS Alumni Dinner, which took place last night…

It was really weird being back on the campus after all these years. I finished my PhD about 18 years ago (or something like that) I popped in to my department (Biosciences) a couple of times soon after I left and I used to train at the University gym for a little while, but it must be over a decade since I’ve been back. I don’t know about the rest of the campus, the part where I spent most of my time as changed a lot. Very freaky. 🙂

I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the evening, especially since I wasn’t a Computer Science graduate, but it turned out to be really good fun. I think I gave a number of people a repetitive strain injury (RSI) of the ears with my constant gabbing. I hope they found it worthwhile. I know I did. It’s interesting speaking to the next generation of computer geeks and trying to get a handle on what they think about the industry.

With a bit of luck I will get to do it all again next year. Hope so.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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