Invoker Rights in Oracle Database 12c : Some more articles


I wrote about the Code Based Access Control (CBAC) stuff in Oracle Database 12c a while back.

I’ve recently “completed the set” by looking at the INHERIT PRIVILEGES and BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER stuff for PL/SQL code and views respectively.

It’s pretty cool, but I’m not sure how much of it I will see in the wild as it will require developers to do a bit more thinking, rather than doing what they’ve always done… 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

8 thoughts on “Invoker Rights in Oracle Database 12c : Some more articles”

  1. >…as it will require developers to do a bit more thinking…

    I’m *always* thinking. Granted — often what I’m thinking is that I really wish I’d used a little more foresight before writing some code…

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