The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1…

I’ve been looking forward to seeing The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 for a while. If you follow my blog you will know I pretty much hated all the previous films.

So why was I so keen to watch it? Basically so I could wax lyrical about how bad a film it is…

Well, now I’ve seen it and I’m a little disappointed because it wasn’t as bad as I wanted it to be. Don’t let that get your hopes up. It was terrible, but I wanted it to be worse. Since the last outing the main characters have learned a couple of extra expressions. I wouldn’t call it acting, but it is not so wooden as the previous films. It starts off with a sickly saccharin story line, then descends into something a little darker. It was at this point that for a fleeting moment I thought I might actually… like this film (insert gasp)… But no, it just dragged on and every time there was a scene that could have been developed into something cool, it either petered out, or turned into something from a My Little Pony story. It was just anti-climax after anti-climax.

So in conclusion, it was moderately less toilet than the other films, but not by much!

This has kinda ruined everything for me. I was looking forward to the last film in the series so I could hate that also, but now I feel rather apathetic about it all… 🙁

