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Script: sga_buffers.sql

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-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- File Name    : http://www.oracle-base.com/dba/10g/sga_buffers.sql
-- Author       : DR Timothy S Hall
-- Description  : Displays the status of buffers in the SGA.
-- Requirements : Access to the v$ and DBA views.
-- Call Syntax  : @sga_buffers
-- Last Modified: 27/07/2005
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30

SELECT t.name AS tablespace_name,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'free', 1, 0)) AS free,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'xcur', 1, 0)) AS xcur,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'scur', 1, 0)) AS scur,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'cr', 1, 0)) AS cr,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'read', 1, 0)) AS read,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'mrec', 1, 0)) AS mrec,
       SUM(DECODE(bh.status, 'irec', 1, 0)) AS irec
FROM   v$bh bh
       JOIN dba_objects o ON o.object_id = bh.objd
       JOIN v$tablespace t ON t.ts# = bh.ts#
GROUP BY t.name, o.object_name;