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WebLogic Server 12cR2 (12.2.1) : ADF Application Development Runtime - Repository Configuration Utility (RCU) in Silent Mode

The Repository Configuration Utility (RCU) is a necessary prerequisite for the creation of clustered domains in WebLogic 12c. It is recommended to install Forms and Reports Services as a clustered domain, even if it is for a single node, so it is also a prerequisite for those installations. This article provides a brief example of using the RCU in silent mode, which you will need if you are planning on doing silent installations of clustered WebLogic 12c domains.

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Response Files

Response files provide all the answers to the questions normally asked by the Repository Configuration Utility (RCU).

A response file can be generated by the RCU directly from the command line, but it does not include all the parameters needed, so you will have to edit it before use. I find it easier to do a one-time run through the GUI version of the RCU and save the response file from that. You can then edit that same file for each subsequent installation.

Create a file called "/u01/software/rcuResponseFile.properties" with the following contents. Alter the parameters as required.

#RCU Operation - createRepository, generateScript, dataLoad, dropRepository, consolidate, generateConsolidateScript, consolidateSyn, dropConsolidatedSchema, reconsolidate

#Enter the database connection details in the supported format. Database Connect String. This can be specified in the following format - For Oracle Database: host:port:SID OR host:port/service , For SQLServer, IBM DB2, MySQL and JavaDB Database: Server name/host:port:databaseName. For RAC database, specify VIP name or one of the Node name as Host name.For SCAN enabled RAC database, specify SCAN host as Host name.

#Database Type - [ORACLE|SQLSERVER|IBMDB2|EBR|MYSQL] - default is ORACLE

#Database User

#Database Role - sysdba or Normal

#This is applicable only for database type - EBR

#Prefix to be used for the schema. This is optional for non-prefixable components.

#List of components separated by comma. Remove the components which are not needed.

#Specify whether dependent components of the given componentList have to be selected. true | false - default is false

#If below property is set to true, then all the schemas specified will be set to the same password.

#This allows user to skip cleanup on failure. yes | no. Default is no.

#Yes | No - default is Yes. This is applicable only for database type - SQLSERVER.

#Location of ComponentInfo xml file - optional.

#Location of Storage xml file - optional

#Tablespace name for the component. Tablespace should already exist if this option is used.

#Temp tablespace name for the component. Temp Tablespace should already exist if this option is used.

#Absolute path of Wallet directory. If wallet is not provided, passwords will be prompted.

#true | false - default is false. RCU will create encrypted tablespace if TDE is enabled in the database.

#true | false - default is false. RCU will create datafiles using Oracle-Managed Files (OMF) naming format if value set to true.

Create a password file called "/u01/software/passwordfile.txt" containing the password for the database user (dbUser) specified in the response file, and the password shared by the RCU schemas. In this case, my password file contained the following.


Repository Configuration Utility (RCU) using Response Files

Start the Repository Configuration Utility (RCU), referencing the response file and the password file.

export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware

$MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -responseFile /u01/software/rcuResponseFile.properties < /u01/software/passwordfile.txt

If you get any failure, deal with them. Assuming there are no failures, the repository creation is complete.

Repository Configuration Utility (RCU) using Command Line

An alternative to using a response file is to specify all the parameters on the command line directly. The following command line gives the same result as using the response file listed previously. Notice we still need the password file if we want the creation to be silent.

export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware

$MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString ol7.localdomain:1521:PDB1 -dbUser sys -dbRole SYSDBA -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix FRSDOMAIN -component STB -component OPSS -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER < /u01/software/passwordfile.txt

I prefer to use the response file method, as the file can be stored as part of your version control.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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