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Oracle Applications (12) Installation on Enterprise Linux 4.5

This article is intended as a brief guide to installing Oracle Applications (12.0) on Enterprise Linux 4.5. The article is based on a server installation with a minimum of 2G swap, secure Linux disabled and the following package groups installed.

Alternative base installations may require additional packages to be loaded.

Unpack Files

Create a staging area for the Oracle Applications software.

mkdir /Stage11i
cd /Stage11i

# Start Here
mkdir startCD

mkdir oraApps

mkdir oraDB

# Tools
mkdir oraiAS

# Databases
mkdir oraAppDB

Copy the contents of all the DVDs into the appropriate directories.

Hosts File

The "/etc/hosts" file must contain a fully qualified name for the server.

<IP-address>  <fully-qualified-machine-name>  <machine-name>

Set Kernel Parameters

Add the following lines to the "/etc/sysctl.conf" file.

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.msgmni = 2878 
kernel.msgmax = 8192 
kernel.msgmnb = 65535
# semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 142
fs.file-max = 131072
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

Run the following command to change the current kernel parameters:

/sbin/sysctl -p

Add the following lines to the "/etc/security/limits.conf" file.

* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536
* soft nproc 16384
* hard nproc 16384

Add the following line to the "/etc/pam.d/login" file, if it does not already exist.

session    required     /lib/security/pam_limits.so


The following additional packages are required. Depending on the update/respin version of Enterprise Linux, the exact package versions and locations may vary.

rpm -Uvh binutils-2*
rpm -Uvh compat-db-*
rpm -Uvh compat-gcc-32-3*
rpm -Uvh compat-gcc-32-c++-3*
rpm -Uvh compat-libstdc++-296-2*
rpm -Uvh compat-libstdc++-33-3*
rpm -Uvh control-center-2*
rpm -Uvh gcc-3*
rpm -Uvh gcc-c++-3*
rpm -Uvh glibc-2*
rpm -Uvh glibc-common-2*
rpm -Uvh gnome-libs-1*
rpm -Uvh libaio-0*
rpm -Uvh libstdc++-3*
rpm -Uvh libstdc++-devel-3*
rpm -Uvh make-3*
rpm -Uvh openmotif21*
rpm -Uvh setarch-1*
rpm -Uvh sysstat-5*
rpm -Uvh xscreensaver-4.*

Due to all the package inter-dependencies, it probably makes sense to copy all these packages from the CDs to a single directory, then install then using the following command. For convenience, I wrapped all the necessary packages for an OEL 4.5 installation into a single tar file (12-rh4-rpms.tar), making subsequent installations much simpler.

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Create the new groups and users.

groupadd oinstall
groupadd dba
groupadd oper
groupadd apache

useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle
passwd oracle

useradd -g oinstall -G apache apache
passwd apache

Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.

mkdir -p /u01
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01

Login as the oracle user and add the following line at the end of the ".bash_profile" file.

# Oracle 10g
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
  if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
    ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536


Log into the oracle user. If you are using X emulation then set the DISPLAY environmental variable.

DISPLAY=<machine-name>:0.0; export DISPLAY

Start the Rapid Install Wizard by issuing the following commands.

cd /Stage11i/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/
chmod u+x rapidwiz

Follow any instructions and rerun as requested. The Rapid Installation Wizard installation is shown below.

  1. Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen.


  2. Accept the default "Install Oracle Applications Release 12" option by clicking the "Next" button.

    Select Wizard Operation

  3. Select the "Decline Oracle Connection Tools Agreement" option, then click the "Next" button.

    Online Configuration Manager

  4. Select the "Create a new configuration" option, then click the "Next" button.

    Configuration Choice

  5. Accept the default port pool by clicking the "Next" button.

    Global System Settings

  6. Select the "fresh database" database type, enter a database name, in this case I used "PLAY", then click the "Next" button.

    Database Node Configuration

  7. Select the "Suite Licensing" option, then click the "Next" button.

    Select Licensing Type

  8. Accept the default products by clicking the "Next" button.

    License Additional Products

  9. Select the appropriate country functionality, then click the "Next" button.

    Select Country Specific Functionalities

  10. Select the appropriate territory and characterset information, then click the "Next" button.

    Select Internationalization Settings

  11. Check the node configuration settings, then click the "Next" button.

    Primary Applications Node Configuration

  12. Accept the node information by clicking the "Next" button.

    Node Information

  13. Wait for the system check status to complete.

    System Check Status

  14. Assuming all the system checks were completed successfully, click the "Next" button.

    Validate System Configuration

  15. Click the "Next" button on the installation review screen.

    Component Installation Review

  16. Click the "Yes" button to start the installation.

    Installation Confirmation

  17. Wait while the installation takes place.

    Installation Progress

  18. Assuming all the post-install checks are successful, click the "Next" button.

    Validate System Configuration

  19. Click the "Finish button to exit the Rapid Install Wizard.

    Completed Installation

Post Installation

Adjust the following paths and commands by replacing "play" and "PLAY" with the database name you chose during the installation.

Add the following into the "/home/oracle/.bash_profile" file.

DB_HOME=/u01/oracle/PLAY/db/tech_st/10.2.0; export DB_HOME
APPL_TOP=/u01/oracle/PLAY/apps/apps_st/appl; export APPL_TOP
COMMON_TOP=/u01/oracle/PLAY/inst/apps/PLAY_testapps01; export COMMON_TOP

To switch environments, move to the appropriate home directory and run the environment script, like.

. ./PLAY_testapps01.env


Adjust the following paths and commands by replacing "play" and "PLAY" with the database name you chose during the installation.

To shutdown the system issue the following commands.

cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
./adstpall.sh apps/apps

. ./PLAY_testapps01.env
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/PLAY_testapps01
./addlnctl.sh stop PLAY
./addbctl.sh stop immediate

To start the system issue the following commands.

. ./PLAY_testapps01.env
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/PLAY_testapps01
./addlnctl.sh start PLAY
./addbctl.sh start

cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
./adstrtal.sh apps/apps
./adcmctl.sh start apps/apps

Rapid Installation Wizard Portal

Once the installation is complete, the Rapid Installation Portal can be accessed using the following information.

The front screen of the portal is shown below.


To change the SYSADMIN passowrd do the following.

For more information see.

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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