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Linux Auto-Login (Oracle Linux, RHEL, CentOS)

Using automatic login or timed login on a server or your main PC is a really bad idea, but you might want to use this feature on a test VM. These examples work on OL6/OL7 as well as Fedora.

Configure Automatic Login

Edit the "/etc/gdm/custom.conf" as the root user, adding the following lines in the "[daemon]" section. This example automatically logs in as the "oracle" user.


Reboot the machine to test this configuration.

To stop the automatic login, either remove the lines or comment them out with a "#".


Configure Timed Login

Edit the "/etc/gdm/custom.conf" as the root user, adding the following lines in the "[daemon]" section. This example logs in as the "oracle" user after a 60 second delay.


Reboot the machine to test this configuration.

To stop the timed login, either remove the lines or comment them out with a "#".


For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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