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Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : Upgrade ORDS (ORDS Versions 3.0 to 21.4)

This article describes the process of upgrading an existing installation of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS). This method only works for the upgrades between versions up to 21.4. ORDS 22.1 has some big changes from an administrative perspective.

For more information see:


This article makes the following assumptions.

ORDS Upgrade

Stop the ORDS instance that is to be upgraded. The method of stopping and starting ORDS depends on the deployment method you have used. You can see how this is done in Tomcat and standalone mode below.

Either unzip the new ORDS software into a new folder, or unzip it over the top of the existing installation. The latter is safe as the config is held in a separate directory to the software.

$ cd /u01/ords
$ unzip /tmp/ords-

Update the "ords.war" file with the location of the existing config directory. You can actually miss out this step and you will be prompted for it when you start the installation, but I prefer to set it first.

$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ords.war configdir /u01/ords/conf

Run the installation, just like you would for a new installation.

$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ords.war

Since you've specified an existing config directory, the new version of ORDS will connect to the configured databases and check the version of ORDS installed. It will then prompt for the SYS password for each database so it can perform an upgrade of the ORDS objects, without affecting the existing metadata. These upgrades are typically very quick and don't require additional prompts. If you want to make it silent, use the same properties file you would for a conventional silent installation.

If you specified a new config directory you will be prompted for the database connection details, just like a conventional installation, but ORDS will still upgrade any database objects that are already present.

If you are running ORDS under an application server, you will have to redeploy the "ords.war" file before starting the application server. For Tomcat you would do the following.

$ cd /u01/ords
$ cp ords.war $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/

The upgrade and deployment is now complete, so start ORDS in the manner appropriate for your installation.

You can now test your existing applications and try any of the new functionality associated with the new ORDS release.


If you have any problems after an ORDS installation or upgrade, it's always worth running an ORDS validate.

If you are having an issue with APEX after an ORDS installation or upgrade, it's always worth running an Validate APEX.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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